This missing person alert is a great example of how to write an actionable message with enough content that a receiver may be able to act upon it. All warning messages should contain information about the source, hazard, location, guidance, and time.
We can apply similar rules to a missing person alert with just a few tweaks.
Here, the source is clearly named: Sutter Sheriff
The hazard/threat/dangerous condition is: a missing person
The sender provides clear description of the person, including their name (and nickname), and an explantion that he has Down Syndrome and is Nonverbal. These details help the message receiver to understand the danger that the missing person may be facing.
And finally, the location is described along with where the person was last seen.
We really like the use of ALL CAPS to draw attention to the hazard.
The message comes in at 323 characters, leaving a little bit of room to add puncuation, which would help to break up some of the content. A quick read-through could also catch spelling errors (hight). Adding a detail about when they were last seen would help provide clarity about how long they've been gone.
We hope that Sanju was found quickly and safely.
Feel free to post this on your social media site, just remember to attribute it to The Warn Room and include the web address: TheWarnRoom.com - Thank you!
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