We've seen a lot of WEAs that are missing content in the message that is delivered to the phone... but sometimes, when we take a look at the field marked "description" (see warn.pbs.org) it seems as though additional content was provided in the software but entered into the wrong text box. This could mean a lack of training on how to use the software - an easy fix with additional attention.
Sometimes, there are still problems with the message - such as this example that is filled with internal and external inconsistencies. For those in the alerting area, they are advised to both stay out and shelter in place. This is a bit difficult for single-body individuals and represents internal inconsistency. Unfortunately, those outside of the alerting area, that is, the individuals who are likely being advised to stay out, will not get this message. This is an example of external inconsistency (they don't know to stay out if they don't get the message). Because there is no location information included, both populations - those in and those out - will not know if the message pertains to them or not.
Other issues with this message include the use of an acronym (in both 90- and 360-char messages), the lack of info about the location and the lack of info about the threat.