WEA sent 11/15/2022.
While it is understandable that alert originators would prefer to limit their use of WEA to prevent over-alerting (a valid concern and one that could be leading to people turning WEA off on their mobile devices), when a message contains the words "until further notice," there is an expectation that a second notice will be issued as a post-alert safety message through WEA or another channel. Adding a url for further information would be a strategy to reduce information seeking or to facilitate access to updates about the situation. And a few comments about these messages --- while there are obvious spelling errors and misplaced capitalization in the 360 character message, it implies hurried message writing and perhaps a sense of URGENCY on the part of the message writer. It may serve as a distraction for some, but researchers have not yet determined that misspelling is equal to lack of message clarity. This message includes the source, location, hazard/description and guidance (time is implied). Therefore, it is considered complete, even with language errors.